The thickness of the frame is determined by the letter ‘b’ in the Bebat logo. The rounding of the frame is equal to the circle around the Bebat symbol.
- A formats (portrait): Logo width = sheet width/4
- A formats (landscape): Logo width = sheet width/5
We always use a headline without a full stop in the layout. We do use punctuation in a headline comprising several sentences. The headline must always be set in boldface.
- Font style: Bold
- Colour: White
- Alignment: Left
- Margins: 3 x w
A line is placed in front of the subhead, which must be aligned with the headline. The space between the line and the headline is determined by the letter ‘O’ in the same font size as the subhead. The subhead is usually in ‘medium’.
- Font style: Medium
- Colour: White
- Alignment: Left
- Margins: 3 x w
Call to action
- A call to action is always placed in a green frame with rounded corners. The rounding is half of that in the main frame.
- QR codes are always placed on a white background so that there is enough contrast for scanning.
We recommend that the green bar does not extend past the middle of the width of the page.
Alternative call to action
If you need to include more text in your CTA, you can use an alternative that takes up the entire width of the main frame.
Communication with partners
In a communication with partners, logos are aligned within the margins. The Bebat logo is placed on the left, with a baseline.
The partner’s logo goes on the right.
Ratio between the Bebat and OVAM logos
The bottom left point of the Bebat arrow is flush with the top of the OVAM logo, and the bottom of the word ‘Bebat’ is flush with the top of the word ‘OVAM’.

Practically speaking, how do you start building a layout?
- Decide on the size of the logo, which will depend on the logo on the deliverable. See the section on specific guidelines.
- Now that you have decided on the size of the logo, you can decide on the margins in the layout. The margin of the white border is always 1 w. The margins of the text are usually 2, but in some cases they are 1. See the section on specific guidelines.
- Determine the height of the white bar at the bottom. This is always three times the height of the arrow in the logo.
- If communication to a partner is involved, you must left-align the Bebat logo, and right-align the partner logo (within the margins). If there is no partner, the logo is centred in the layout.