

Whenever a new build is made for the brandplatform. We must make clear what has been added, what has been updated or fixed. We do this by creating a version number with each release. To annotate different versions of the styleguide we make use of semantic versioning.


  • Patch:

    Used when making a backwards-compatible bug fix

  • Minor:

    Used when we add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner

  • Major:

    Used when we make breaking changes

How to changelog

When you want to add a new version to the project and want to document your lovely changes, you need to provide a markdown file with information.

Now then, multiple questions arise: Where to put this markdown file? How to update the version? What am I doing with my life? ...

  1. Before updating make sure the working directory is clean (commit all files).
  2. On the root of your project create a changelog folder. If there is one already there, then you have been reading this for nothing. Continue on!
  3. Inside the changelog folder create a markdown file and give it a name that is the same as the version you want to add (
  4. Document your changes inside the newly created file
  5. Run npm version [patch || minor || major || <x.x.x>]. Optional add the -m "message" command to it
  6. NPM will automatically create a commit with the new version in package.json and add a git tag to it
  7. Push your commit to the branch you want

DO NOTE that the folder changelog can be adjusted. Read more information about this on the config section.