1.0.0 - Initial setup of the brandplatform using Nunjucks, SCSS and JavaScript

Initial setup of the brandplatform using Nunjucks, SCSS and JavaScript

  • Added nunjucks structure to support single or multiple categories within one structure
  • Added scss structure and seperated brandplatform from client
  • Created new flow within the brandplatform for a more consistent structure
  • Seperated nunjucks usage for brandplatform and client
  • Added markdown filters so that designers can implement their knowledge into the components
  • Completed the user manual to better explain how to get started and how to styleguide works
  • Added Express routing and express server for dynamic routing
  • Added scripts that create the brandplatform based on file structure and management
  • Added reusable components within the brandplatform
  • Added explanatory resources to represent the way we work
  • Added base styling components such as: colors, icons, typography
  • Added base layout component such as containers
  • Defined the base colors, typography and layout variables to start setting up the components
  • Initialised JavaScript (ES6) usage and split it up between multiple styleguides
  • Seperated brandplatform and client JavaScript
  • Tested multiple use cases and different structures to support the brandplatform
  • Optimised the flow and the structure of the brandplatform to support more functionality per page/component or variation